Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Most Annoying Thing in the Universe (Vol. 2)

Right, I thought I'd do a second one of these sooner than planned because it's something that's angered me for a while now. So, here it is..

I am sick and tired of people coming out with comments such as 'aw i wish mitch lucker was here' or 'why do all the legends die?' or 'kurt was beautiful, come back!'. Let's get one fucking thing straight - Everyone fucking dies. Whether it be young or old, accidental or suicide. Anything. Death isn't something we want, if you do you're just sick. But we can't change what's happened? So, why suddenly pretend to be a huge fucking fan of someone immediately after their death?
Yes, Mitch Lucker was an awesome frontman and vocalist, but how many of you actually 'fucking loved him' so much that you preach now before he had his unfortunate accident? Not very many, I can tell you that much.
And how many of you were even in existence when Nirvana were at their peak and Kurt Cobain around? Would you have appreciated them as much as you claim you do back then if you were there?
And what about Paul Gray? Did you fucking know he was main songwriter of Slipknot along with Joey before he died? Not a lot of you fucking do, he was just the bassist in a huge band called Slipknot to you, 'til he died.
It's the same for anyone famous. It's a sick ongoing pattern that nobody seems to speak up about. I don't fucking care if talking about death seems too harsh for you. You don't have to agree, but you have to understand that there are far too many people saying these things for fucking attention. It just highlights how weak, pathetic, blindingly stupid the human race really is.

I haven't said any of this in hate towards the aforementioned artists who have passed away, before you make that idiotic assumption. But claiming love for someone who's died to make yourself popular?

Get a fucking grip.

Stewart Toner

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